Podcasting? Me? Why Not?

With this newfound gumption, I adjusted my focus, and I settled into my exploration of the streaming world and all of its peripheral aspects.

When you look under a rock, sometimes you find good things, sometimes you find bad things.

As I was sifting through YouTube videos, enhancing my skills and gleaning knowledge for building a website, I began to become pleasantly distracted by another type of footage:  the video podcast.  The topics seemed to be as varied as the style of presentation.  The common element was that each podcaster appeared to be enjoying the experience.

It looked pretty cool.

Ideas began to formulate in my head, such as, “I could talk about something I like for thirty minutes or so on a regular basis.”  I thought of my interests and how I might share my enjoyment in a steady stream of smooth velvet tones.

I believe a few forces were at play here, all principally based on the concept of “you never know.”  I recall chatting with bowling team members several years ago on the topic of “trying things.”  The discussion began by introducing the names of various “bests of all time” (more popularly referenced as a “G.O.A.T.” in the 2020s).  Then we turned it up a notch by bandying about the notion that perhaps you could not really call anyone the “best of all time” in any endeavor, because not everyone else in the world had tried to do the same thing.

Perhaps if John Doe in Peoria, Illinois had picked up a golf club instead of a butterfly net he would have won the grand slam four times by now.  Perhaps if Joe Smith in Kalamazoo, Michigan had picked up a butterfly net instead of a golf club he would have discovered things about butterflies that we still do not know today.

For this very reason, my bowling friends spoke of their desires to give their children every opportunity to try as many things as possible so that they might find avenues of enjoyment and success.  As I was not a parent, I could only speak in support of this encouragement.

That excitement of discovery of things I had never previously considered was overtaking me in the Fall of 2023, as I found myself in the context of being a “big kid.”

Podcasting?  Me?  Why not?

With this newfound gumption, I adjusted my focus, and I settled into my exploration of the streaming world and all of its peripheral aspects.

Sometimes, you do find good things when you look under a rock.

See you in the next post.

Glenn Shelton
Glenn Shelton
Articles: 4